My Work - MYST and Beyond - digital artist, art director, creative director, CCO
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And please scroll down - the and Beyond
A Brief List of Work and Career...
Career Highlights...
Carter has been working in the digital art field for more than 38 years since 1985 when the Denver Rocky Mountain News asked him to do editorial and informational graphics and design with the new Macintosh 512 using MacDraw and MacPaint. This was Carter's first exposure to computer graphic creation.
As the years passed he excelled in keeping up with both computer technology and graphics software as both evolved to the level we see today.
In 1991 Carter took a job with CYAN and helped create the video game MYST. For the following 32 years he worked on more than 26 games including Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Red Alert: Yuri's Revenge, NOX, and numerous others. In 2019 Carter released his own game, ZED to both rave and mixed reviews.
The game was made with Doug Goldsmith whose art and illustration were instrumental in the telling of the story.
From the mid-90s to 2003 Carter worked on Babylon 5, Mortal Kombat Krusades, Disney's Mission to Mars, and Star Trek the Experience doing digital matte painting and animation.
In 1993 Carter began a relationship with National Geographic doing illustration work that lasts to this day - with the distinction of doing the very first desktop digital illustration for the magazine, a January 1993 three-page spread on dinosaur evolution. In 1994 he contributed to the design for National Geographic Online. His work with NASA, Caltech, JPL, and work for various science clients continues as well. And in 2006 Carter co-authored "Exploring Geology", a college textbook for McGraw-Hill which saw him create more than 800 illustrations.
Information and Science Illustration - Science art keeps my brain active. Nothing can compare to learning something new with each fresh assignment. And sometimes I'm allowed to have fun - imagining flora and fauna such as what could life possibly look like in the seas of so many ice covered ocean worlds around Jupiter and Saturn?
Interactive and World Creation
Some ZED Screen Shots - Misc Game Art and Design. Zed for those that don't know was a game I made back in 2015-2019, released in 2019. It was an exploration of a man and his life living with dementia - who in moments of lucidity wanted to leave a gift for his granddaughter, a children's book called Where is Charlotte? It was loved and hated by a variety of people. Some got the point - it was an interactive story about memory and loss and redemption.
Those who understood it loved it and were profoundly affected by it. And then the group of gamers who know my previous work on MYST hated it because it was not Myst-like other than the quality of the art. Cyan was the publisher - the same company that I worked on for MYST. To get them onboard as a publisher I had to make some choices and really change the game enormously. Still, I'm happy with it - it was a good experience, and the reviewers loved the game, and in some cases cried at the end - thank you for understanding.
Editorial Art and Illustration. As AI becomes more common, its usefulness as a tool is changing how I look at editorial art and storytelling. It's a tool where we've only scratched the surface. I want to further incorporate it into my work and with editorial art, I see it as something that can only speed my process in ways that I never imagined. Now I know this is a controversial position for many artists - but I think we either adapt to this new tech or we will be left out of the loop for future art creation.
Also - just so you know - I do a lot of my editorial and other art the old-fashioned way as well... 3D art programs (MODO, ZBrush, and Blender), Illustrator, Substance Painter, and Photoshop, and the occasional hand sketch prior to going finished.
AI Illustration and Experiments
My ideas in many cases involved trying to reimagine parts of my childhood - early memories, fever dreams, fears, and feelings I had as a child growing up with very little but my imagination. Currently, I'm working on a children's book using images like these to reconnect to that confused kid from more than 60 years ago. And as I mentioned above in the intro to my editorial work, AI is opening image creation in ways we have yet to fully comprehend. It's an exploration for me personally - iteration is the key to getting desired results and still takes an artistic eye and a careful hand in Photoshop for the finished piece. AI is a new way for us to tell stories and I've always been someone who embraces new technology. And honestly, with all of the controversy surrounding AI Art, the verdict is far from clear as to where we go as artists with this new form of expression.
Sketchbooks - I'm actually forcing myself to draw again! And I have a way to go - as I'm still finding that I'm intimidated
by that blank page with a shaking pen in my hand... But once I'm moving the pen around - there is joy in seeing the results. This section will continue to grow as will the caricature section.
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